Wholesale Selemo se Secha Fashion Mofuthu Pet Scarf Clothes

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

Lebitso la Sehlahiswa:
Sekhafo sa Ntja e Mofuthu
Liaparo tsa Pet & Lisebelisoa
Nako ea thomello:
15 matsatsi
Sutu bakeng sa liphoofolo tse ruuoang lapeng:
Likatse tse Nyane tsa Lintja tse Hare
opp mokotla
Boima ba 'mele:

PREMIUM QUALITY MATERIAL - E entsoe ka thepa e dailoeng e tšoarellang e etsang hore e be li-bandana tse loketseng bakeng sa lintja, lesela le habeli le etsa hore e tšoarelle nako e telele, eseng joalo ka bandana e meng ea boleng bo tlase e nang le lesela le le leng feela, mohala oa rona oa ho roka mochini oa ho roka o makhethe ebile o otlolohile.Lintho tse phefumolohang, li boloka ntja ea hau e pholile matsatsing ao a lehlabula a chesang.Ho hlatsoa mochini le ho omisa ho fumaneha.
LIKETSAHALO TSA TŠEBELETSO E MANG - E loketse moaparo oa letsatsi le letsatsi, ho nka linepe, Keresemese, Selemo se Secha, mekete ea matsatsi a tsoalo, machato kapa ho etsa hore phoofolo ea hau ea lapeng e shebahale e le ntle, e feshene ebile e le ntle linakong tsohle.Mpho ea bohlokoa ea ho etsa hore liphoofolo tsa lapeng li fapane, mahlo a khahlehe hantle, a matle kapa a be fesheneng ho feta a mang.
100% STISFATION GUARANTEE - Re tla u fa tiisetso ea khotsofalo e se nang kotsi ea 100% ho u lumella ho reka ka kholiseho, ha ho lipotso tse botsoang.KE Uena ea tlang pele bophelong ba rona!
Setaele sa Keresemese: Scarf ea liphoofolo tse ruuoang lapeng e entsoe ka mebala e khanyang ea Keresemese, e shebahalang e le mokete ebile e le ntle, 'me u ka e sebelisa ho khabisa lintja kapa likatse tsa hau le ho li etsa hore li khahle li be ntle moketeng.Ke mpho e loketseng bakeng sa liphoofolo tsa lapeng tseo u li ratang.

PTC01 (1) PTC01 (2) PTC01 (4)PTC01 (3)  PTC01 (6)


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